Tag Archives: farming

The grass is always greener…

…than I can paint it. IMG_5241

This time of year, the grass between the rows is overpowering and can temp me to over do the intensity. I used viridian, a green I usually stay away from. It was especially noticeable between the rows of lacinato kale which is so dark.

The hills are beginning to green too, and seeing that blush of grass on those lovely rounded shapes always teases my attention away as well. I painted this yesterday and today, knocked the hills back by half.

Pastels are useful when I have a little less time, to just put down visual thoughts.



IMG_3552_1_1The hills are turning brown before my very eyes.

Almost done.

Art from the Farm Show!

Well, I’m all ready for my art show during the month of May, at Epicurean Connection, 122 West Napa Street in Sonoma. Those of you in the area, please stop by and let me know what you think. If you want to come to the opening reception, it will be Friday, May 3rd from 6-8. Thank you so much Sheana Davis for allowing me space in your wonderful shop.

For weeks now, I have been finishing up all the paintings; preparing labels, price sheets, sending postcards and painting that one little spot on that one little painting that just doesn’t quite work… And now it’s finally complete.

So I felt like celebrating by painting something that I know will not be included, that would be just plain FUN! I worked over the top of an old painting, turned it upside down in fact, and look what happened!

IMG_3540_1_1It’s what I see out my studio window and think this field of tomatoes (not indicated yet) would fit right into the show if I just hurry it up…

Oh no!

Oh, What a Beautiful Day!

I wanted to paint today with my friends. But felt like I should instead finish the paintings that I have started, rather than starting another that would also need finishing. So I took all those unfinished works out and worked on them again, outside.

Don’t know why I’ve not done that before. Duhhh.

Ideally I would finish a painting in one pass, but I haven’t seemed to be able to make that happen yet. What I want to see, and what happens on the board, don’t align immediately. I’ll continue to work toward a one-pass painting that I’m happy with, but until then, I am driven to keep adjusting.

Started this one weeks ago and have been dabbling.

Started this one weeks ago and have been dabbling. I think I’ve finished it today (below).

red roof_2_1

I began working on this very difficult painting (for me) but Paul came along and chased me away with the tractor (and dust).

I began working on this very difficult painting (for me) but Paul came along and chased me away with the tractor (and dust).


worm bins 2_5_1

Started this one last week on such a cold day. The progress (below) is good, but not quite done.

Started this one last week on such a cold day. The progress (below) is good, but not quite done.


Still needs details in the buildings but I think the landscape is finished.

Still needs details in the buildings but I think the landscape is finished.

White buildings 2_3_1


IMG_3263_3_1Wow, it is cold today, as we prepare for some much needed rain. The wimp in me wanted to stay warm, inside, painting near the wood stove. But thanks to my new friend Kathryn and “old” friend Melinda, who invited me to join them painting plein aire, and since I need more farm paintings, we met here, bracing weather be damned.


I think I have enough information to finish it up (with many others 😦 ) tomorrow, hopefully watching the rain come down, with the fire lit. Not happy with the fact that the large eucalyptus tree is in the center of the picture. And not too sure I can fix it. But I do like the simplification of the shapes and the colors.



Part way through...

Part way through…

Got a little colorful today. I like this painting more than most. I rarely feel they are done after just one pass, but in this case, I think it’s done. Cool.

Excuse the photos. Don’t seem to know how to shoot the still wet paint without reflection. Any ideas?

Field Work

I started this painting one blustery day more than a week ago with my friend Melinda. There was lots of farm activity (seeding, pulling row covers over beds, and tying the hoops) but I choose just a simple view of the field with the stripes of white row covers, blowing and billowing.IMG_2904_1_1

But when I addressed this again, I decided to put a figure into the field and minimize the white stripes. I may try more figures…

IMG_3059_1_1_1This one is 12″ x 16″, oil on board, $300.

Tin Barn

Old BarnPaul’s friend Peter has a birthday today. They met at the Tin Barn for a drink this afternoon. I tagged along to paint!

I’ve always wanted to paint this sheep ranch on the Highway. Tucked back Highwayagainst the steep hillside, the barn with peeling paint is a wonderful shape, and eucalyptus trees and hillside framing it are rich. But I didn’t have too much time and looking toward the sun (I almost always find myself sheeeepturning toward the sun to paint in the afternoon) I found a much simpler scene. I was able to quickly mix the right colors and values on the spot. I have to work on application. I love the spontaneity that only happens en plein aire when the paint has to be applied quickly.



Farm Mosaic

IMG_2849_1_1I have been messing with this painting for years now. It keeps changing my mind. I truly feel it takes control and I’m just directed. And unfortunately, the painting and I are at odds! I can think of many reasons for this…it’s much bigger than I am comfortable working, (36″x48″) it’s all from my imagination yet with (too) many references, I’m internally wrestling with abstraction vs. realistic, there are more… I am learning plenty and will set it aside and see where it wants to take me next.

I need to begin working on some smaller pieces to get ready for a show at the Epicurian Connection near the Sonoma Plaza in May. More about that soon.

Still trying to get a “For Sale” page up but somehow the wordpress blog help line is unresponsive. I may end up directing folks to another site to buy paintings.


IMG_2670_1_1Here I make a busy road look like an abandon lane. But it does speak to our slogan; “Growing vegetables in the wine country”. Maybe that’s the next sign?
