New Chapter

Hi everyone. I’ve been gearing up to take a class. We have just finished our second week. I couldn’t be more excited about what I’m learning. I feel like a beginner again, being exposed to lots of new material already.

The class has just begun painting after being introduced to the basics of canvas and linen, rabbit skin glue, oil primer applied with palette knife, beginning with imprimatura, a demonstration of scumbling, ala Mark Rothko, who will be our reference for the first assignment. The classroom is rich with paint and books, easels and big messy stainless steel sinks, ensconced with a skeleton model. My fellow students as varied as imagination can conjure. It smells good in there, like linseed oil. The outdoor enclosed patio has oak trees dripping, dappling light amid tables for applying ground, making ink, sanding, sawing (yes, there’s a table saw!) painting or just enjoying. There’s even a large room for “no solvent” painters. I’m right at home, soaking it all in.

I painted this today, just to go back to something familiar. The shallots and onions, drying under the broad old oak is quite a compelling subject. I don’t think I got the temperature of the highlight on the tree warm enough. But there are some areas which I really like. I may try it bigger, as this is just 6 x 6″. It was done over an older painting, some of which you can see as the background.


FYI: The class is given by a master painter and equally talented teacher, Chester Arnold through the College of Marin. It meets 7-10 pm, twice weekly until December. Oh boy!

9 responses to “New Chapter

  1. Sounds like so much fun! You words create an image of your class as powerfully as your brush painted those onions. Love them both.

  2. Candi, what fun! I forget whether you¹ve done the make-your-own stuff with Ane Carla Rovetta‹love her presentations.


  3. Can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters as they get written, Cand. Kind of like one of those old-fashioned serial books, with chapters released a month at a time.

  4. Love your site, but Girl, you just don’t post often enough. You make me want to get in my studio and paint which I haven’t done in a long time. Keep up the good work and the joy for painting.

  5. Wow Candi! Fascinating and lovely. I look forward to hearing and seeing more of this;-)

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